2018: The Digital Sustainable Age for Snacks
High-quality short runs that are not prohibitively expensive and quick, efficient turnaround times are high on their list of packaging requirements.
Also important is achieving all of the above in a way that meets consumers’ needs for packaging that is both functional – think on-the-go consumption - and sustainable, while helping to reduce food waste and preferably convert it into a resource.
Digital printing of compostable flexible packaging is the trend to watch in 2018, because it’s the only answer to fulfill all of these requirements.
Changing to planet-healthy packaging is easier in 2018
Innovators in the snack and bakery category have specific needs for their packaging: small yet diverse runs; low inventories and quick turnaround time.
As an emerging brand or a legacy brand that is looking for hyper-customization, but also wants a planet-healthy packaging solution, how do you get started?
Emerging brands such as YogaLyte, producer of the first stick-packaging for electrolytes, have told us that finding suppliers of sustainable planet-healthy packaging, compostable packaging, is not easy. But Tipa Corp is changing that.
Less than 10-day digital printing turnaround – These brands are successfully doing it
Using digital printing technology, TIPA is able to supply brands’ flexible packaging needs in 10 days or less.
Combining digital printing with compostable flexible packaging results in the perfect synergy of good-for-you products, sustainable packages and real-time turnaround times with near zero production waste.
Brands like Snact in the UK, B.O.S.S. Food Co., Sheffa Foods and nonfood in the U.S., and ShanValley Karma in Ireland are among those in the snack category that have made the switch to compostable flexible packaging, and in doing so, successfully combined their brand values of people-healthy and planet-healthy.
The trend for planet-healthy packaging is being pushed by the consumer
In its new Packaging Trends 2018 report, market research firm Mintel highlights five ways that consumer packaging is evolving in the global market, highlighting the role of packaging in reducing global food and product waste.
The bottom line is that consumers want to see packaging that is both functional and sustainable.
Compostable flexible packaging does two things to address that need: It helps reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and equally important, by circulating that waste back to the planet as resource via compost that enriches the soil and supports the healthy growth of plants for a healthier planet.'
Elzaphan Hotam joined TIPA in 2014, as the VP sales of North America after spending over 20 year in the chemical industry. Prior to TIPA, he served as the CEO of Enzymotec USA, subsidiary of Enzymotec Ltd, nutritional ingredients and medical food company.