Special edition: Flexible Packaging
Lippke/MOCON conference focuses on permeation measurement in packaging
Hosted by Paul Lippke Handels (a division of Minneapolis, Minnesota-based MOCON), “Permeation Measurement Today” will be held March 3, 2015 in Montabaur, Germany.
The conference will address topics such as advances in measurement equipment, challenges in high-barrier film development, testing solutions for perforated/breathable films, and international permeation standards.
Maximizing shelf life
“We have put together a robust one-day program to assist packaging professionals in achieving their shelf life objectives,” said Franz Sturm, managing director, Lippke. “Our speakers are experts in the field, with decades of experience in permeation measurement testing.”
Presenters will include Michelle Stevens, technical consultant for MOCON, who will discuss the science of permeation testing. Lippke’s Christoph Zerwas will explain various international standards for measuring transmission rates of oxygen, water vapor and CO2.
Dr. Klaus Noller of the Fraunhofer Institute for Processing and Packaging (Fraunhofer IVV) will examine challenges in developing ultra-barrier films and critical issues in measuring transmission rate. Clemson University professor Ron Thomas will talk about practical applications of gas permeation rate and head space data in relation to product shelf life.
Permeable by what?
Matthias Bösel, Innoform, will present the service laboratory perspective on permeation measurement.
MOCON’s Doug Lindemann will examine testing solutions for perforated and breathable films. Alan Shema, also from MOCON, will discuss permeation of organic compounds such as flavor and aroma components, active ingredients, solvents, and carriers.
The registration fee is €320 per person and includes conference sessions, training documents, lunch and refreshments. Information about registration and other conference details is available at the Lippke website.