Lesaffre gives yeast its moment to shine

By Gill Hyslop

- Last updated on GMT

Lesaffre wants to get the remarkable potential of yeast out to as many people as possible. Pic: GettyImages.peolsen
Lesaffre wants to get the remarkable potential of yeast out to as many people as possible. Pic: GettyImages.peolsen
The 170-year-old leader in the field of fermentation has modernised its educational platform on yeast to get the message out about the myriad of benefits of this remarkable microorganism from nature.

Feeding 9 billion people in 2050 by making the most accurate use of the planet’s resources is a major and unprecedented challenge. However, Lesaffre believes that yeasts – and more broadly, the fermentation process – is one of the most promising answers to this challenge.

But this microorganism remains relatively unknown among the general public. Indeed, a yeast barometer qualitative survey conducted among 2,000 French, Moroccan, American and British consumers by Lesaffre in 2021 reveals only 17% were able to give a precise definition of yeast.

Boosting knowledge share

Yeast is present everywhere and can be used for a multitude of applications – from baking, to wellness, to agriculture and even biofuels. It transforms our daily lives – so doesn’t it deserve a better grandstanding?

To help this happen, Lesaffre has upgraded its toutsurlalevure (all about yeast) website, which now offers fun and educational info in four languages.

Lesaffre uses the hashtag #PoweredByYeast, which illustrates the passion that drives the company’s experts to explore the superpower and all the benefits that yeast brings in the production of many fermented products, especially in terms of texture, taste and nutritional composition.

The platform – designed with better fluidity in navigation – offers articles ranging from explaining the difference between natural baking yeast and chemical baking powder, to easy-to-make recipes.

What is yeast? How is it used? Where is it present? What are its health benefits?

The site answers all these questions, but Lesaffre is not planning to sit back on its laurels. Other actions and tools will soon be added to boost the knowledge share with as many people as possible.

“Integrated into the composition of multiple foods and even the production of biofuel, yeast is omnipresent in our daily lives. However, it suffers from a strong knowledge deficit while it is one of the most promising products of the future to meet the challenge of tomorrow’s food,”​ said Thomas Lesaffre, marketing director of Lesaffre.

The infinite potential

Philippe Caillat, marketing director for Gnosis by Lesaffre, the company’s business unit dedicated to human health, added, “The potential of yeast is incredible, especially in the field of human health. At Gnosis by Lesaffre, we exploit its exceptional nutritional composition in the service of human health and wellbeing.

“Making the benefits of yeast and its multiple applications known to as many people as possible was the driving force behind building this educational site.”

Lesaffre has been a major global player in fermentation for more than a century. The €2.2bn company has a workforce of over 11,000 employees from more than 85 nationalities on virtually every continent. With this experience and diversity, it collaborates with clients, partners and researchers to find ever more relevant answers to the needs of nutrition, health, naturalness and respect for the environment – specifically to reveal the infinite potential of microorganisms.

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