Healthy Snacking free-to-attend webinar

By Gill Hyslop

- Last updated on GMT

Pic: GettyImages/Kateryna Bibro
Pic: GettyImages/Kateryna Bibro
BakeryandSnacks’ Healthy Snacking webinar is tapping some of the best minds the sector has to offer to explore what healthy snacking means to consumers and the industry.

Conscious snacking means meeting nutritional needs; adding functional benefits like increasing energy, controlling appetite and getting fortification from fibre, protein, vitamins, minerals and probiotics; but still providing guilt-free pleasure and indulgence. Can snacks really meet that criteria?

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Moderated by BakeryandSnacks’ editor Gill Hyslop, the panellists include:

  • Sebastian Emig, director general, European Snacks Association
  • Mike Hughes, head of research and insight, FMCG Gurus
  • Adrian Ling (aka The Vegan Willie Wonka), MD, Plamil Foods
Healthy Snacking panellists
Sebastian Emig, Mike Hughes and Adrian Ling

For 60 minutes on 5 October 2021, the panellists will delve into what they understand about the consumer’s heightened focus on better-for-you snacking and the impact this is having on products long perceived to be high in fat, sugar and salt.

  • Has COVID impacted the snackification trend?
  • How does conscious consumerism fit into this?
  • How is the industry stepping up to answer the demand for more diverse lifestyle choices?

What’s more, the webinar will explore the many technical challenges and whether it’s possible to reformulate treats to make them healthier, while keeping the ingredients list as simple as possible.

  • Is industry going the route of reformulation to drop or swap ingredients or are they focusing on a completely new set of ingredients and recipes?
  • What advice would you give to a small producer looking to capitalise on this trend?
  • How do you see the healthy snacking trend evolving over the next decade?

Attendees will also be able to put their burning questions to the panel by submitting them upon registration.

Register here for this free event,​ which is sponsored by ASR Group, Batory Foods, Cargill and Sweegen.

This is one not to be missed and take places on Tuesday, 5 October at 3pm GMT/4pm CET/9am CT. If you can’t make the live event, register anyway. The webinar will be made available to registrants after the broadcast date as an on-demand presentation.

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