TreeHouse snacks division renamed Flagstone Foods

By Kristine Sherred

- Last updated on GMT

TreeHouse announced the offloading of its snack business in July to push down debt and nurture a more streamlined portfolio. Pic: Getty Images/epantha
TreeHouse announced the offloading of its snack business in July to push down debt and nurture a more streamlined portfolio. Pic: Getty Images/epantha

Related tags TreeHouse Foods Snacks Nuts trail mix Atlas Holdings M&A brand identity Private equity firm Private label Private label products

New owner Atlas Holdings has rebranded the private label maker's snack arm in a long-game effort to build a ‘standalone company and category leader.'

Flagstone has established its headquartered in Minneapolois, Minnesota, and will continue to operate TreeHouse’s existing production facilities in North Carolina, Texas and Alabama – led by a new CEO, Robert Scalia.

Scalia has spent more than two decades in leadership roles at major food companies, including General Mills, Nabsico, Kraft and Hershey.

His latest charge was to lead business development and strategy at Hearthside Food Solutions, a contract manufacturer of nutrition bars, crackers, cookies, cereals and granola.

“With the strong foundation already in place, coupled with Atlas’ operational and financial resources, we are committed to providing the highest quality products, innovative new offerings and unmatched service to our customers and channel partners,” ​he said.

“There are very few opportunities in the food industry that offer a breadth of product offerings, dedicated team of associates, blue-chip customer base, strong community partners and robust platform for growth."

Atlas partner Michael Sher said Scalia's leadership will guide Flagstone to “build upon its already strong market presence and become the go-to healthy snacks company to meet that growing consumer demand.”

TreeHouse announced the sale​ in early July, amid a delayed attempt to shed its cereal business to Post, ​ which has drawn the attention of the US Federal Trade Commission.

According to a statement announcing the company rename, the private equity firm noted it has transformed several companies spun from a corporate cloth into ‘vibrant standalone businesses.’

“Execution in sourcing, operational efficiency, quality and outstanding service are critical to serving customers in the private label food business, and these are areas in which Atlas companies consistently excel,”​ said Atlas partner Edward Fletcher.

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