Mega Pizza breakthrough

Related tags Bread

Lawrence Equipment, a major manufacturer of flat bread machinery in
the United States and Europe, has recently released a new
innovation, the Mega Pizza System, which is capable of producing
multiple pizza bases operating at multiple cycles per minute.

The first stage of such a process is to load the dough balls onto the baking trays - each can carry a load of between four and 36 balls per pressing cycle. The machine then sizes and shapes the dough into appropriate sizes using templates,= and then, operating at up to two mega presses and up to 12 cycles per minute, flattens the dough into its correct pizza size.

It is capable of producing 25,900 5 inch and 6,480 12 inch pizzas per hour. The machine's dough ball inventory ensures that dough loading is done accurately and efficiently and thus should, one the cycle is complete, produce consistent and matching pizza base shapes.

The product is constructed using mainly stainless steel, in line with USDA regulations. A clean-in-place system is included following a number of EU rulings regarding food manufacturing safety and sanity.

Again, however, the entire process is automated. The operator has a visual display unit-style control panel, on which the press temperature control, the pressing time, the press processing temperature and oven bake time can be controlled.

Since 1980, Lawrence Equipment has been a central innovator for the tortilla and pizza industries, having been awarded more than a dozen patents. The company designs, engineers and manufactures equipment for all kinds of flat bread as well as many different fried snacks worldwide.

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