Pasties for kids

Related tags Market analysts datamonitor Marketing Snack food Nutrition Datamonitor

Ginsters, the UK-based pastie and sandwich group, is to launch a
range of products targeting the under-10s later this year, tying in
with a new TV series.

Ginsters, the UK-based snack food group may well be best known for its range of pasties and pies, but it is also one of the biggest players in the fast-growing prepared sandwiches market - a market where it clearly sees substantial opportunities for growth.

The company is preparing to launch a range of sandwiches and other snacking products targeted specifically at children (its core audience at the moment is the 18-35-year-old age group), but according to market analysts Datamonitor​, making the shift from adult to children's food will not be easy.

"To stand a chance of success, Ginsters must make the product cool and fun, while emphasising the nutritional benefits to parents,"​ said Datamonitor.

The new pasties will be officially launched at the end of the year and are aimed specifically at under-10s. Known as the 'Cornish Riviera Pasties', they will be based upon pastie characters from a children's cartoon series soon to be appearing on British terrestrial and satellite TV channels.

The new kids range is part of an increased marketing push by Ginsters, with marketing spend rising from £0.5 million to £4.5 million (€6.3m), according to Datamonitor.

"With the names Fistral Freddie, Porthmeor Pete, Malibu Mike and Bondi Bruce, the characters featuring on the new pasties range would appear to have the funky credibility that will help make the product cool and fun,"​ Datamonitor said.

"This is often half the battle when targeting kids. If marketers can make the products appear fashionable and entertaining, they stand a good chance of capitalising on the growing pester power phenomenon associated with kids throughout the world."

But as the recent furore around Cadbury Schweppes' scheme offering schools sports equipment in exchange for chocolate bar wrappers shows, marketing products to children is not an easy thing to do if the product itself does not have a high nutritional value.

Ginsters must be able to convince both retailers and parents that the new pasties are both nutritious and wholesome - something which Datamonitor suggests could be made easier because of the quality and authenticity of its other products which have been instrumental in its success over the last few years.

"It is likely that Ginsters' strong existing distribution links with many major retailers, including on the high street, will encourage them to take the Riviera range,"​ said Datamonitor. "Therefore, the key challenge will be convincing parents that the products offer appropriate levels of nutritional value.

"With heightened media coverage concerning the worrying levels of poor nutrition and obesity amongst kids, parents are increasingly seeking healthy meal and snacking solutions for their children. The dual marketing approach of appealing to both parties involved in the purchase decision is always difficult, and yet will be vital to Ginsters' success."

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