
In order to conform to the EUDR, cocoa must be traceable. Image Source: Getty Images/MilenaKatzer

How Nestlé is making its cocoa more traceable

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Nestlé is striving to make its cocoa traceable right back to the farm. Can the multinational give consumers confidence they’re eating sustainable cocoa?

A report by a coalition of leading retailers has found both positive and disappointing progress in the cocoa sector. Pic: GettyImages

Just how ready is the cocoa sector for EUDR?

By Gill Hyslop

Despite a deadline that is still seven months away, the incoming EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is already driving efforts on the traceability of cocoa supplies. Conversely, the same study found a distinct lack of progress on other critical issues...

Using isotopic markers, the researchers developed a way of tracing hazelnuts to their geographical origins. Image Source: Getty Images/Daniel Grizelj

Tracing hazelnuts geographical origin: Isotopic markers

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

With food fraud widespread, the geographical origin of hazelnuts must be traced. A new study analysed their isotopic markers to find which ones could link them back to their origin.


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