Emerging packaging markets to be discussed

Related tags Eastern europe European union Arla foods Europe

A conference to address the future of central & eastern
Europe's packaging markets is to be held in Bologna, Italy next
month. The event will attempt to evaluate the investment potential
for packagers in emerging markets across eastern Europe and provide
market forecasts on the major pack sectors in each country.

Case studies from business leaders who have already embraced, or are competed with, these new markets will be presented and practical instruction on how to enter these markets given. The various routes of entry - joint venture, acquisition and greenfield direct investment - will all be discussed.

In total, the programme will feature over 20 different presentations from leading companies with practical experience of these issues. Consultancy firm Pira​, the event organiser, says that attendees will also benefit from a step-by-step practical guide to investing in high growth countries.

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), says the group,used to be synonymous withshortages. But, following a rapidinflux of foreign-owned FMCGproducers, the region hasdeveloped a growing need for packsupply and western packagingconverters need to explore newways to meet this demand.

Interest in the region is already evident. Packagers areincreasingly evaluating theinvestment potential and how toenter emerging CEE markets. Thepackaging supply chain isinvestigating where theopportunities are, which materials aregoing to take off, where thecompetition is located and whichmarkets have low westernrepresentation.

Between new market entrants andlocal packaging suppliers eager touse modern technology to meetmarket demands, competition tocapitalise on this growing market isfierce. Faced with the lure ofdramatically lower productioncosts, especially for labour,numerous packaging producers arealready exploiting the investmentopportunities in CEE.

The recent accession of eight new Member States from the region to the EU has only increased western interest in the region's economic potential. Domestic processing and packaging industries are now open to foreign penetration, and companies such as dairy giant Arla have been quick to spot export opportunities.

For example, the company is investing DKK15 million in a new mozzarella plant at the company's dairy in Poland, with the specific objective of supplying the product to a unified Europe. "There are some excellent opportunities for Arla Foods in the new EU countries,"​ said Frede Juulsen, Arla's regional director. "However, it won't happen overnight - it's something that requires a good deal of hard work and investment."

The Future of Central & Eastern Europe's Packaging Markets conference will take place 9 to 10 June, BolognaFiere Fairground, Bologna, Italy. Presentations will be simultaneously translated into English and Italian. This event will take place along side the Pack-Mat show, which focuses on materials, products and solutions for packing and packaging.

In addition, Pharmintech - the exhibition for the pharmaceutical and related industries - and Safe Food - shelf-life extending technologies congress and exhibition - will also take place on the same dates in the same venue.

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