Visionary packaging: the year 2020

Related tags Creativity Design

A showcase of creative thinking applied to packaging in the retail
environment for the year 2020 will form part of the Total
Innovation Design Centre Excellence at Total Processing &
Packaging 2004.

A showcase of creative thinking applied to packaging in the retail environment for the year 2020 will form part of the Total Innovation Design Centre Excellence at Total Processing & Packaging 2004.

It is common knowledge throughout the industry that innovative packaging design is key to the successful marketing of new products. It is for this reason that the Design Centre aims to be a key feature of Total Processing and Packaging 2004​, to be held at the UK's Birmingham National Exhibition Centre from March 29 -April 1, 2004.

The Total Innovation Centre of Excellence aims to reflect the growing influence of design and innovation on the marketing of new products and the initiative and is being sponsored by Rexam, one of the world's top five consumer packaging groups.

Nick Bird, group marketing director, explained, "Designers and marketers are two important speaking partners for the packaging industry and following the invitation to attend the Steering group meeting for Total Processing & Packaging, Rexam was intrigued by the fresh approach.

"The successful development of new consumer products relies on the close collaboration of brand owners, designers and suppliers in the innovation cycle. All too often, once the project hits the shelf, everybody moves on. This initiative will help to weld together the relevant parties and enable them to stand back and take a look at the future of consumer packaged products. As a leading global consumer packaging company, Rexam's sponsorship demonstrates the significance of this initiative as well as the importance of the continual development of consumer packaged products to meet ever changing demographics and lifestyles and greater consumer awareness."

The initiative has gained the support of the Design Business Association; The British Brands Group; a number of leading design agencies, including PI_, FitchLondon and Siebert Head; Packaging Magazine and Haymarket's Marketing magazine.

Director of the Design Business Association Deborah Dawton said, "A key part of the DBA's mission is to communicate the contribution that effective design and innovation can make to the commercial success of a product. As the catalyst for design-driven business growth, the DBA supports The Total Innovation Design Centre of Excellence and the opportunity it presents us with to showcase and broker more productive relationships between client and designer".

The world's leading branding manufacturers can be counted among the membership of the British Brands Group and according to its director, John Noble: "A strong brand is unique. It is different from its competitors and stands out from the crowd. It is this ability to differentiate that makes the brand such a powerful mechanism for consumer choice and competition, which is why we are delighted to support the role packaging design plays in this process through the Design Centre of Excellence."

Integral to the programme is the 2020 Vision Design Challenge through which the design community will be asked to use their skills and imagination to provide 'packaging' solutions for consumers and retailers as they envisage it to be in the year 2020.

Designers will be asked to create pack solutions for the year 2020 that address, from both a retail and consumer perspective, such markets as Food on the go; Food in the home; Cosmetics & Toiletries; Pharmaceuticals; Drinks; and Home and Garden items.

Consumer driven innovations, exposure to new technologies and different ways of addressing the same packaging solution, at the same time as renewing contact with suppliers and meeting new suppliers, are the driving forces for visitors to shows. Or as one prospective visitor from Unilever said, "Perhaps most important is to be able to step out of one's daily box and think in broader terms."

The Centre will not only provide a showcase for structural and graphic design, it will also provide an area in which all parts of the packaging supply chain can call on a range of experts for authoritative advice on technical problems and design challenges. In addition a Visitor Trail service is planned to direct visitors to relevant companies and associations.

"Total is the major focal point for the packaging industry in 2004 and 2020 VISION is an ideal way of bringing the marketing profession and packaging industry together: an essential element of today's drive for on shelf share of eye,"​ said Chris Griffin, chairman , of sponsoring design company - Pi3.

Show director Barbara Jackson said, "This announcement follows in-depth research among packaging buyer & specifier, visitors and exhibitors that proves innovation, design and the opportunity for creative thinking away from day to day issues are among the major drivers behind visiting exhibitions.

"The marketing function is now the key influence within end user companies when in comes to design changes, new product development, new packaging formats and material choices and again research shows clearly that they will be looking for innovation and ideas to successfully market next generation products."

Print and packaging are almost inseparable as branding and marketing tools, which is why the event will also feature initiatives emphasising the part print plays in the role of packaging.

"Total initiatives will concentrate on all these areas by providing a distinct focus for structural and graphic design, and print and packaging,"​ said Jackson.

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