The US cereal and snack giant unveiled Leaf Jerky at Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore, Maryland, earlier this month, mooted to appeal to vegan, vegetarians and flexitarians alike.
Greater acceptability for soy beverages could be achieved by
formulating with peanut proteins and flavour masking with
chocolate, suggests a new study from the US.
Soy-powder maker SoyLink has a new US patent for its proprietary
technology - a manufacturing process the Iowa-based company says
will expand current uses for soy in functional foods and beverages.
Europe's leading food manufacturers and retailers are expected to
announce they plan to shun soy grown illegally in the Amazon that
is resulting in depletion of the rainforest.
Speciality ingredients group Cerestar has launched a range of
functional soy products across Europe aimed specifically at the
baking industry, believing demand for this practical and healthy
ingredient will offset rising soybean prices,...
Australian scientists say that adding soy to low-fat dairy foods
may offer consumers some of soy's health benefits without the
strong taste that many find unappealing.