
Round table: The growth of nanotech

Round table: The growth of nanotech

By Stephen Daniells

Food and nutrition is a 'hot spot' for nanotechnology, experts have said. Stephen Daniells talks to two such experts and asks where the developments are, could it really lead to a removal colours from foods, and is nanotech really like GM?

ICC president discusses challenges facing cereal science in 2009

ICC president discusses challenges facing cereal science in 2009

By Lindsey Partos

In the first of a two-part interview, award-winning scientist Professor Dr John Taylor, and 2009-2010 president of leading cereal science organisation, the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC), sheds light on the key issues...

Nut so good - tainted US food system needs revamping

Nut so good - tainted US food system needs revamping

E. coli in ground beef, melamine in infant formula, and salmonella in peanut butter - what is next? Isn’t it about time the slices of the US food safety pie were taken back from the multiple federal agencies involved and surveillance placed under one...


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