Nick Henson is the Reading-based associate director at the International Food Network (IFN), a key player in the EU’s new multi-million euro, multi-partner Metabolic Syndrome-battling project, PATHWAY-27, that has health claim victories trained in its...
Revision of the laws governing specialist food products like sports foods, infant foods and gluten-free foods is set for a final vote in the European Parliament in December or January, 2013, with the leading industry group broadly welcoming the passage.
Workers in food processing plants have been included in a new assessment of acute risks posed by exposure to the most hazardous pesticides, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has said.
The European Parliament has adopted a legislative package that will
see products containing any of six artificial colours labelled with
a health warning for children.
The European Food Safety Authority's review of additive safety
could have a bigger effect on the ingredients industry than the
ejection of certain colours and flavours with a suspect safety
record. It could give the natural ingredients...
There will be no special measures to cover food products from
cloned animals in the EU, member states have agreed, following news
the offspring of a cloned cow was growing up in the UK.
European food safety experts are calling for further safety studies
on the omega-3 rich seed chia, before it can be introduced onto the
European market.
Much attention was given to the key issue of resourcing the growth
plans of the European Food Safety Authority at its 10th Management
Board meeting held yesterday.
The Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
met yesterday for the first time after the finalisation of the
Scientific Committee and panels which give the Authority its core
The European Food Safety Authority's Scientific Committee says that
its panels have now been appointed, opening the way for the body to
start work on streamlining safety within the European food and
drinks industry.