New packaging project launched at Interpack

By Michael Stones

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Related tags Value added

A new packaging initiative launched at the Interpack trade event in Dusseldorf, Germany aims to share knowledge about the latest printing and packaging options and to offer designers more creative options, printers the opportunity to raise revenues and consumers more choice.

The Value Added Packaging (VAPack) project aimed at the global packaging market is an initiative from the industry group Print City Alliance members UPM, Sun Chemical, M-real and Cofely.

Roger Kuhn, managing director Print City, told FoodProductionDaily: "The new VAPack project focuses on the needs of brand owners and designers to open discussions on the latest opportunities and benefits in using value-added packaging techniques​."

Knowledge gap

Kuhn highlighted the pressing need for sharing information across the industry. "There's a growing knowledge gap between end users and suppliers. VAPack aims to fill that gap,"​ he said.

Initially focussing on luxury and high-value products in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors, the project will include food within the next 12 months. "The food sector particularly needs this focused approach to share knowledge about the interaction of paper and ink and their potential effects on food products​," said Kuhn. "This type of approach brings knowledge to avoid problems helping to identify problem areas in advance​."

According to a statement from primary fibre paperboard producer M-real: "The VAPack project aims to help brand owners and designers appreciate the opportunities and benefits of using value added packaging techniques to attract consumers, differentiate products and aid brand development.


"As the major supplier of folding boards within the VAPack project, M-real is able to contribute a wealth of advice on efficient packaging and the sustainability of carton boards​."

Life cycle assessments conducted for the company have shown that a 15 per cent reduction in board weight equates to a 18 per cent reduction in carbon footprint.

Stefan Kranz, M-real's technical service director added: "It is vital that board makers can prove their wood comes from sustainably managed forrests via sophisticated wood origin tracking systems. Sustainable management not onlz ensures a supply of good quality raw material in the future, but it is equally important for everyone to enjoy all the other benefits that forests provide."

The project is also supported bz Manroland, Kurz, Merc, Weilburger Graphics plus partners Bobst, Reproflex and Upcode.

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