Label technology from Alcoa

Related tags Alcoa closure systems Polyethylene terephthalate Alcoa

A prototype label for PET bottles has been developed by packaging
giant Alcoa. The label features cutting edge technology that could
open up a number of new packaging design possibilities.

Alcoa's promotional PET water bottle sports a 50-micron PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol) reverse printed shrink sleeve from the group's flexible packaging division. Most significantly, the rotogravure printed shrink sleeve utilises two new printing technologies.

The first of these is a new interference 'flip' ink that changes from one colour to another as the label is tilted, creating exciting design possibilities. In addition to the reverse printed inks, a pearlescent, white tint ink is surface-printed on the label's water droplets and top copy, giving these areas dramatic, graphic depth.

These innovative print technologies are available on any shrink sleeve substrate including PETG, OPS and PVC. Alcoa's southern graphic systems (SGS) in-house design group was responsible for the design of the label.

"The beverage market has been saturated with PET containers with paper or plastic wrap-around labels,"​ said Alcoa executive vice president Bill Leahey. "Many companies attempt to differentiate themselves with the bottle shape, but few have utilised distinctive, eye-catching shrink sleeve labels."

The water bottle label is complemented by a translucent blue linerless closure from Alcoa Closure Systems International. The Aqua-Lok 28mm closure provides product sealing for consumers without the added cost of a closure liner. This closure, designed specifically for bottled water applications, is manufactured from quality resins to ensure taste and odour performance on bottled water products. This closure is also specifically designed for consistent, trouble-free application on high-speed filling and capping equipment.

Alcoa​ is the world's leading producer of primary aluminium, fabricated aluminium and alumina, and is active in all major aspects of the industry. In addition to aluminium products and components, Alcoa also markets consumer brands including Reynolds Wrap aluminium foil, Alcoa wheels, and Baco household wraps. The company has 120,000 employees in 41 countries.

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