Buhler supplies safety systems for Japanese flour mill

Buhler has supplied Japan's biggest flour miller with a number of
safety and hygiene systems that aim to increase product safety and
drive down production costs.

Buhler has supplied Japan's biggest flour miller with a number of safety and hygiene systems that aim to increase product safety and drive down production costs.

Nisshin Seifun is Japan's biggest flour miller. Based in Tsurumi, a city district in the center of 30-million Greater Tokyo, the company has recently undergone a series of investments to improve its production facilities. Japan‚s biggest milling complex, whichtoday achieves a total grinding capacity of 2,150 metric tons of wheat, now boasts a seventh, new wheat mill with a capacity of 500 tons in 24hours in addition to the six lines that existed before. This is the mostup-to-date mill among the total of 13 that Nisshin Seifun operates. Inside the mill, 35 new Buhler roller mills of sanitary design ensure the highsanitation standard specified for the plant. The paneling of these latest-generation roller mills is made of noise-absorbing material. Alsothe blowers and the air intake system are of low-noise design.

High product safety is achieved by a Buhler double Sterilator system. These machines, with their double-impacting system, are applied not onlydirectly after grinding, but also in the flour storage and handling system ahead of packaging or bulk load out. This enables effective pest controlespecially during the hot and humid summer months.

The state-of-the-artcontrol system allows each production cycle to be retraced from thefinished product to the original grist. A Buhler near-infraredmeasurementsystem checks the flour quality around the clock.

Buhler says that the utmost care was exercised in designing and constructing thenew installation. Tight cost control also allowed cost-effective construction while ensuring maximum output. Operation of the mill hasalso been designed with high economy in mind. State-of-the-art pneumatic conveying systems reduce the total energy consumption by over one quarter.

The combination of Nisshin Seifun's and Buhler's vast grain milling experience and the optimally designed Buhler is a global Technology Group and System Partner for plant andequipment and for process expertise in the fields of Food Processing,Chemical Engineering, and Die Casting, with a worldwide workforce of about 6,400.

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