White Paper

Microencapsulated Sorbic Acid: The Winning Formula

Format: PDF file | Document type: White Paper | Promoted Content

This content is provided by TasteTech Encapsulation Solutions, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.bakeryandsnacks.com

Microencapsulated Sorbic Acid: The Winning Formula (50)

Despite sorbic acids potential in being a highly effective bakery preservative, historically, it has not been used in yeast leavened products due to its efficacy against the leavening yeast itself, resulting in a reduced proof.

This white paper explains how encapsulation technology allows sorbic acid to reach its full potential as a preservative for the bakery industry. It also outlines the evaluation of three commercially available sorbic acid products, determining whether their production process and specifications have an impact on their efficacy as a mould inhibitor in bread.

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