Livwell bakery fined after worker amputation

The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has fined a bakery £27,318 after a worker sliced off the tip of his finger in a machine.

A 22 year-old worker sliced the top of his right middle finger when trying to clear dough blocked in a machine at Livwell’s bakery in Hull. He later had the digit amputated above the first joint.

The HSE prosecuted Livwell Ltd on July 8 for failing to prevent access by workers to dangerous moving parts of machinery. The company was fined £9,000 and ordered to pay £18,318 in costs.

Hull Magistrates Court was told that the worker’s finger had entered a gap between the bottom of a hinged guard and the top of the conveyor belt.

Livwell’s own risk assessment had previously identified that contact with moving machinery was a hazard, but guarding had not been added to the dough machine. A guard has since been installed.

HSE inspector Dr Nicholas Tosney said:

"This incident was wholly avoidable. The hazards were identified but effective measures were not taken by the company to prevent access to all the dangerous parts of the machine.

"The simple addition of a tunnel guard to this machine - which the company has now installed - could have saved a young man having to suffer the amputation of part of his finger.

"All employers have a duty to ensure that machinery is guarded properly to ensure that their employees are not put at risk of injury."

The man was unable to work for three months but has since returned to a permanent position at Livwell’s bakery.