Cracker gets a nip and a TUC

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TUC, one of Britain's best known snack brands is to be given a
makeover, with a new pack and new formulation aimed at raising the
brand's profile and attracting new consumers. A new line extension,
TUC Sandwich Multipack, will also see it target the £4bn lunchbox
market for the first time, writes Chris Jones.

The snack brand, owned by Jacob's in the UK, itself part of France's Danone group, is to rollout the new design to the entire TUC range, including TUC Original, TUC Cheese Sandwich, Mini TUC and the a new addition to the portfolio, TUC Sandwich Multipack.

The new pack designs are meant to give the brand a more contemporary feel, according to Joanna Simmonds, TUC brand manager. The logo spotlights the word 'TUC' set on a blue TUC-shaped background and each product features 3D-effect images of the biscuits on-pack with the aim of increasing product appeal.

All packs have also adopted the strapline 'TUC in', as featured in a series of TV ads aired last year and which will be continued with two more ad bursts this year, in April and September as part of a £1.5 million marketing investment behind the new-look brand.

Jacob's has not changed the traditional yellow colour of the TUC pack, a major factor in consumer recognition of the brand, but has in fact given it a bolder yellow colour to aid its on-shelf presence. Developed by design agency Vibrandt, the new packs will be available via grocery and impulse outlets from spring 2004.

The launch of the TUC Sandwich Multipack, to coincide with the brand overhaul, will allow Jacob's to tap into the lucrative lunchbox market. Available in 5x2 twinpacks at an RRP of 99p, Jacob's is positioning the cheesy snacks (a cream filling sandwiched between two TUC crackers) as a savoury alternative to crisps or other snacks, a staple in most people's lunchboxes.

By targeting lunchtime snackers, Jacob's is extending the consumption opportunities for the TUC range, which is perhaps more traditionally seen as an aperitif or accompaniment to cheese.

"TUC Sandwich Multipack taps into the £4 billion lunchbox market and, by making the range more versatile, TUC will be suited to a wider range of snacking occasions,"​ said Simmonds. "The TUC brand already prides itself on having 90 per cent awareness among consumers and we are confident the new look will increase impact on-shelf and attract new users.

"The brand is performing well, growing at 23 per cent year-on-year in value sales. Our aim is for TUC to be the number one family snacking cracker."

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