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UK-based firm Delcam is the latest sponsor of Total Innovation
Design Centre of Excellence. The announcement follows the recent
opening of company headquarters in China, another illustration of
how packaging technology is becoming truly globalised.

UK-based firm Delcam, a global supplier of CADCAM solutions for the packaging industry, is the latest sponsor of Total Innovation Design Centre of Excellence. The announcement follows the recent opening of company headquarters in China, another illustration of how packaging technology is becoming truly globalised.

UK-based firm Delcam​, a global supplier of CADCAM solutions for the packaging industry, is the latest sponsor of Total Innovation Design Centre of Excellence. The show, which is a key component of Total Processing & Packaging 2004, will take place at Birmingham's NEC from 29 March to 1 April 2004.

"Sponsorship of the Total Innovation Design Centre of Excellence is fundamental in driving forward packaging concepts that will meet the demands of consumers, retailers, brand owners, marketers and packaging suppliers,"​ said Delcam UK marketing manager Peter Dickin. Delcam joins a growing list of sponsors that includes Rexam; the Faraday Packaging Partnership; British Brands Group and Design Business Association.

The sponsorship announcement follows the recent opening of a new company office in Xi'an, China. The office in is the fourth to be opened by Delcam's Chinese subsidiary, Delcam China, and a further expansion into the Chinese market. The other offices are based in Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai.

This latest investment by Delcam in the Chinese market follows the establishment last year of a new technical centre in Guangzhou to support the growing number of customers in Southern China and the formation of Delcam (Hong Kong), a new joint venture company set up in association with Forida, Delcam's long-standing local representative in the territory. Delcam is also represented in North-East China by a very successful reseller based in Chang Chun.

CADCAM technology helps companies see beforehand whether new concepts can be converted into finished packs. It also allows manufacturers to take advantage of rapid changes in fashion and technology.

For example, it allows simple bottles to be designed and drawn at speed on a computer - 3D computer images cut out much of the potential ambiguity in 2D drawings of complex shapes. This gives decision makers the opportunity to compare designs in different materials and with a variety of decorations.

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