Institute of Packaging awarded QCA status

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In the UK the Institute of Packaging has acquired Qualifications
and Curriculum Authority status from the Government as a full
educational qualifications awarding body.

In the UK the Institute of Packaging has acquired Qualifications and Curriculum Authority status from the Government as a full educational qualifications awarding body.

The Institute's qualifications - including the internationally acclaimed Diploma in Packaging Technology and recently launched Certificate in Packaging - are now recognised by most packaging professionals. But the QCA status means that its graduates will benefit from new qualifications and status both in the UK and across the world. It will also mean that the IOP can promote its qualifications through more educational centres and study locations.

The acceptance of the Institute by the QCA has structural and organisational implications for its ongoing development as a provider of specialist packaging knowledge and skills at home and abroad, the organisation claims.

A completely independent functional operation is to be set up within the Institute to organise and administer its qualifications. This will have its own Chief Executive and Board comprising Members from industry, higher and further education and associated bodies.

John Webb-Jenkins the existing Institute's Chief Executive will represent the Institute on the Board of the newly formed structure.According to the organisation, the key objectives of the Award Body will be to increase the number of packaging qualifications available, extend the choice of centres that offer courses leading to them, and considerably expand the number of individuals taking them. The organisation and delivery of such courses will be a function of a new delivery arm of the Institute of Packaging.

"This is a genuine milestone representing perhaps the most important step forward in the Institute's long and prestigious history"​ said Gordon Stewart, the Institute's head of Education, Training and Development. "It also brings significant advantages to the entire packaging industry by providing a tremendous boost to education and training in the industry, and by opening new doors for packaging people through greatly expanded course opportunities."

The QCA is the Government's official qualifications authority. It approves qualification awarding bodies as well as the qualifications themselves.

Recognition of the Institute will lead therefore, over the next few months, to applications for the recognition of the Institute's current qualifications including the Diploma in Packaging Technology and Certificate in Packaging as QCA-recognised.

Under its new status as an Awarding Body, the Institute will expand the range of qualifications it offers. For example by developing National Vocational Qualifications to meet the standards being set by SEMTA (Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technology Alliance), the Sector Skills Council on which the Institute is also represented by its chief executive, John Webb-Jenkins.

In advance of these changes, the Institute is urging packaging professionals who are not yet members to apply for membership in order to benefit from these changes and receive advanced information on qualifications and courses. A new "Benefits of Membership" booklet has recently been published and further information on this and other Institute matters can be obtained from​.

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