
Mount Mayon's wild pili nuts from the Philippine rainforest enter the market as volcano erupts in the growing region. Photo: MM

Startup Watch

Premium nut dubbed ‘next macadamia’ faces volcanic threat

By Oliver Nieburg

Startup Mount Mayon has developed a special method for processing the pili nut for packaged goods - it enters the market as its raw material grows next to an erupting volcano that has displaced thousands.

The lightweight, sustainable packaging panel session at ProSweets 2018.

ProSweets 2018 review

‘Don’t ditch the plastic just yet’

By Jenny Eagle

There have been an increasing number of stories in the media recently about the growing amount of plastic waste and one supermarket in the UK has vowed to ban all of its own-brand plastic by 2023.

Metsä Board produces cardboard packaging for Fox's. Photo: Metsä Board.

Pros & cons of lightweight/sustainable packaging: ProSweets 2018

‘Is lightweight, recyclable packaging a double-edged sword?’

By Jenny Eagle

Flexible plastic packaging is growing because it’s lightweight, sometimes recyclable, affordable and meets an increasing demand for packaged foods in developing countries.

Photo: @TipaCorp

2018: The Digital Sustainable Age for Snacks

By Elzaphan Hotam

'Emerging brands and start-ups, or legacy brands seeking hyper-customization with limited-edition marketing campaigns to fulfill, face specific packaging challenges.

Canada has identified the five wheat research priorites required to maintain its status quo as one of the leading wheat producers in the world. Pic: ©GettyImages/TomasSereda

Canada prioritizes wheat research to fight climate change

By Gill Hyslop

Cereals Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) have released the 2017 Canadian Wheat Research Priorities Report, outlining the priorities stakeholders should focus on that could help counter the effects climate change would have on wheat production,...

Marcia Pires, polymer science researcher, Braskem.

Interpack 2017

Braskem packaging changes color if a product is unfit for consumption

By Jenny Eagle

Thermoplastic resin producer Braskem has partnered with Clemson University in the US and Rio Grande do Sul Federal University (UFRGS) in Brazil to create intelligent packaging which can change color if a product is unfit for consumption.

More than a third of the food produced around the world globally goes to waste. Pic: ©iStock/22kay22

Against the Grain: Food Waste

Too good to throw away

By Gill Hyslop

Innovative snack start-ups are proving there’s no reason for the world to continue wasting 1.6bn tons of food valued at almost $1 trillion yearly.

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