Breakfast cereals

Sucrose is sucrose, whether it takes the form of table sugar or apple juice concentrate, argues Foodwatch. GettyImages/CherriesJD

'Date paste, sugar beet juice... Using pseudonyms for sugar is not acceptable,' says complainant

Kellogg, Hipp and five others told to remove misleading 'no added sugar' claims

By Niamh Michail

The Dutch Advertising Authority has told seven manufacturers and retailers, including Kellogg, Albert Heijn and Hipp, to remove ‘no added sugar’ claims from products that are sweetened with date paste, apple juice concentrate and sugar beet syrup.

The EWG has conducted a second round of tests on popular oat-based breakfast cereals. Pic: ©GettyImages/Anna Pustynnikova

Dozens more breakfast cereals and snacks test positive for glyphosate

By Gill Hyslop

Following the discovery of glyphosate in several breakfast cereals in August, a second round of testing by the Environmental Working Group (EWP) has found the cancer-linked herbicide in a swathe of popular oat-based cereals and snacks marketed to kids.

Pic: BAS

Calbee to enter granola and veggie puffs categories in US

By Douglas Yu

The Japanese snacks company Calbee is introducing two new snack brands, Granola Medley and Honestly Veggie Popper Duos, to the US early next year, adding to its existing US portfolio of Harvest Snaps, shrimp and potato chips in the market.

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