General Mills

'You can’t fault them for it, but you have to wonder if cutting costs is the salvation,' says business strategy consultant

Can a $40m cost-cutting program bolster General Mills?

By Kacey Culliney

Amid “disappointing” fiscal 2014 results, General Mills has kick-started a cost-cutting plan to boost efficiency and support growth – a move that can’t be faulted but isn’t necessarily a ticket to success, a consultant says.

C-stores are all about snacks, portability and immediate consumption, says General Mills' head of convenience category management

Dispatches from Sweets & Snacks Expo 2014

General Mills: We're committed to driving growth in c-store snacking

By Kacey Culliney

Merchandizing gaps in convenience stores need to be plugged and snack makers must collaborate to drive progress forward, says the category development head at General Mills Convenience as it launches Nature Valley c-store tailored products.

Oxfam sustainability scorecard reveals ‘leaders and laggards’

Oxfam sustainability scorecard reveals ‘leaders and laggards’


Leading food and drink makers including Nestlé, Unilever and Coca-Cola have made good progress in the year since Oxfam released its first Behind the Brands sustainability scorecard – and only one company made no progress, according to the NGO.

A solid subscription snacking service needs to be have strength in logistics and consumer relationships - was founded on both versus Nibblr: Let’s bet peanuts…

By Kacey Culliney

It takes no genius to realize that if you deliver ready-made, healthy, portion-controlled snacks to the millennial snacker they’ll gobble the concept right up. What it does take a genius to do is to give that concept legs.

Original Cheerios going GMO-free

Original Cheerios going GMO-free

By Maggie Hennessy

General Mills says original Cheerios will now be made without genetically modified ingredients, citing consumers' growing preference for non-GMO food products. The change doesn’t apply to the other 11 varieties of Cheerios.

Key food manufacturers have not backed a system incorporating traffic light labelling

Food firms parry criticism as healthy promotions launch

By Rod Addy

Nestlé, Kellogg and Asda are among those criticised by consumer group Children’s Food Campaign (CFC) for not doing enough to promote healthy eating as a government-backed scheme designed to do that launches.


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