People on the move March 2013
Marc van Gerwen to head Dow Pharma and Food Solutions
Marc van Gerwen has been named global business director for Dow Pharma and Food Solutions, formerly known as Dow Wolff Cellulosics.
Dow Pharma and Food Solutions uses natural, plant-based cellulosic technology and companion chemistries to make foods tastier and healthier for consumers. The business also operates in industrial applications, such as auto-honeycomb and anti-static films and conductive pastes for photovoltaic applications.
“This is a business built around helping solve some of the world’s most challenging problems,” said van Gerwen, who is based in Horgen, Switzerland.
“We help bring food to the table that tastes great, but perhaps has a little less fat in it, or gives the consumer that satisfied feeling with smaller amounts of food."