
Tech is helping transform bakery and snack businesses. Pic: GettyImages

What advances is AI making in bakery and snacks?

By Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe

Hint: The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) is less to do with glossy marketing campaigns and packaging visuals and more about uncovering the mystery of algorithms and getting a better handle on supply chain data.

Ingredient testing with APRIL Robotics. Pic: OAL

Guest article

Bakeries will benefit from the use of robotics

By Gill Hyslop

Most micro and minor weighing operations in bakery facilities across the globe are carried out by human operators. Jake Norman, head of Innovation at OAL notes that even after automating the bulk ingredients with silos, as much as 70% of the remaining...

Next gen AI equipment will future proof the baked goods market

Bakery innovation

Next gen AI equipment will future proof the baked goods market

By Gill Hyslop

Equipment manufacturers are investing ‘huge sums in R&D’ to enable bakers boost operational efficiency and develop application-specific products to meet exacting consumer demands, according to Global Market Insights.

Bells of Lazonby bakery secures funding to integrate robots

Bells of Lazonby bakery secures funding to integrate robots

By Jenny Eagle

Bells of Lazonby, a family bakery in Cumbria, UK, which supplies cakes, scones and artisan breads has secured funding from the Made Smarter Programme to automate its portioned cake with automated robot machinery.

Fispal Technology 2015

Fispal Technology 2015

By Jenny Eagle

Fispal Technology 2015, an international fair for packaging, process and logistics for the food and beverage industry, took place between June 23-26, in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Multivac to produce Heinz Ketchup small portion packs

Portion size packaging machinery to showcase at Interpack 2014

Multivac scoops Heinz Ketchup deal

By Jenny Eagle

Multivac has landed a deal with Heinz Ketchup and will install one of its R535 thermoform packaging machines at a factory in the US next week.

Automation tech such as Adept Technology's Quattro robot can help food firms boost their production flexibility.


Adept: automation fuels the future of food

By Jenni Spinner

Harnessing automation technology can give food processors and packaging operations a broad range of advantages, according to Adept Technology.

The perfect bun

The perfect bun

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are undertaking
development of an automated product-inspection prototype, working
with staff of Flowers Bakery in Villa Rica, Georgia.

Agroferm ups Lysine production

Agroferm ups Lysine production

Agroferm is planning the construction of a new production plant at
its Esbjerg site in Denmark for which Invensys APV will be
supplying the processing and engineering equipment - a move which
will make the company the largest Lysine...


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