
An example of snack made with masa flour. Pic: GoodMills Innovation

Snackex 2019

The future of snacking revealed

By Gill Hyslop

GoodMills Innovation has invested extensively in cereal ingredients that provide snacks with additional health benefits to enable producers to keep ahead of the rapidly changing snacking scenario.

The Gluten Intolerance Group predicts the industry will plateau within five years as the diet turns to medical necessity over fad. Pic: ©GettyImages/bellabrend

Certification matters now more than ever: Gluten Intolerance Group

By Kristine Sherred

The gluten-free market has tapered off in the past five years as consumer tastes evolve and nutritionists recommend a diet higher in whole grains. However, for three million Americans who are celiacs or gluten-intolerant, the medical reality of a gluten-free...

Scientist have created a new wheat variety that breaks down gluten proteins in the digestive system. Pic: ©GettyImages/luchschen

Researchers develop gluten-busting wheat

By Gill Hyslop

A group of international researchers have developed a new wheat variety that is safe to be consumed by people who suffer from celiac disease and gluten allergies.

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