Breakfast cereals

Traders are predicting that Britain's oat crop could be almost double last year's - up to one million tons from 627,000 in 2012

British oat prices plunge 40%

By Kacey Culliney

The price of British oats has plummeted after the largest crop since the late 1970s; good news for manufacturers, a grains analyst says.

Kellogg's new R&D facilities in the Belgium are at the

Kellogg: Belgian R&D facility to strengthen EU ties

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Kellogg's says its new food science research and development facility in the Leuven Bio-Incubator in the Belgium will drive the company forward in terms of innovation and strengthen its existing ties with the European market.

Are we too busy to eat breakfast?

No time for breakfast: Convenience is king

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

A new survey has revealed that far from enjoying a traditional full English each morning, many Brits are skipping breakfast because they say they do not have enough time.

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