Regulation, policy & food safety

Kellogg ordered to revise misleading sugar claims

Kellogg ordered to revise misleading sugar claims

By Oliver Nieburg

The UK’s Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) has told Kellogg to revise claims on its Coco Pops website that suggested sugar was unconnected to obesity, disease development and behavioural problems in children.

A consumer disputes that Quaker's labeling claim that products contain zero trans-fats

Quaker Oats motion to dismiss trans-fat lawsuit rejected

By Oliver Nieburg

A court in Illinois, USA has rejected Quaker Oats’ motion to have a deceptive advertising case against it dismissed and has halted proceedings until four similar actions in California are resolved.

Suspect foods include household staples like bread, fried potatoes and coffee as well as potato crisps and biscuits.

Acrylamide limit ‘red tape’ premature, says FDF

By Oliver Nieburg

The added bureaucracy of legal limits for acrylamide in foods is preventable as industry efforts to reduce levels have been sufficient, says the Food and Drink Federation (FDF).

Photo Credit: Frito-Lay

Frito-Lay hit with lawsuit on all-natural claims

By Oliver Nieburg

PepsiCo’s snacks business Frito-Lay has been accused of misleading consumers by making all-natural claims on its products which also contain genetically modified corn and vegetable oils.

Caobisco calls for extended buffer stocks to combat supply fluctuations

Caobisco calls for extended buffer stocks to combat supply fluctuations

By Oliver Nieburg

The Association of the Chocolate, Biscuit and Confectionery of Europe (Caobisco) has called for buffer stocks to be extended to cover the supply of commodities like wheat, skimmed milk powder and butter oil as part of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy...

First yeast-derived beta glucan approved as novel food in EU

Novel Foods Exclusive

First yeast-derived beta glucan approved as novel food in EU

By Oliver Nieburg

Health ingredients firm Biothera has been granted novel foods approval in the EU for its immune health ingredient yeast beta glucan and said there were prospects for manufacturers in a variety of food formulations.

Coca-Cola to launch stevia-based brands in EU in early 2012

Special Edition: Stevia

Coca-Cola to expand stevia offering in EU; no plans to drop aspartame

By Jane Byrne

Coca-Cola said it has no reason to drop the artificial sweetener aspartame from its low or zero calorie beverage brands in the European market as it welcomes last week’s approval by the European Commission for the use of the natural sweetener stevia in...

EFSA may reassess proposed use levels for stevia in EU

Special Edition: Stevia

Is a re-assessment of EU stevia usage on the cards?

By Jane Byrne

Post-market monitoring of stevia use levels in food and drink products could see the European Commission broaden the current authorised food categories, claims a stevia trade body.

General Mills on fruit snacks lawsuit: ‘We stand behind our claims’

General Mills on fruit snacks lawsuit: ‘We stand behind our claims’

By Elaine Watson

General Mills has defended its fruit snacks after lobby group The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and law firm Reese Richman launched a class action against the food giant accusing it of presenting products that were “little better than...

Denmark is getting to grips with fat tax legislation

Danish fat tax divides UK opinion

By Mike Stones

News that Denmark is to become the first country in the world to introduce a tax on foods with saturated fat, in a bid to foster healthy eating, has sharply divided British opinion.

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